CN Rail Strike is Over!
Pleased to advise that as of this morning, 26 November, the CN Rail Strike has officially ended. A return to work protocol has been announced as operations are scheduled to return to normal starting at 0600/27 Nov (Eastern Time). The ratification of the new agreement is expected to take approximately 8 weeks, however, both the Teamsters Union and CN Management have agreed to to no further job action during this period. While details of the agreement will likely remain unknown until the official union vote has completed, sources have pointed to fatigue and overwork as factors that contributed to the strike.
While this news is certainly positive, the impact of the strike is already apparent as effected Ports have experienced a backlog of vessels. Going forward, increased waiting times for vessels loading bulk cargoes especially on the North Shore of Vancouver and the Port of Prince Rupert are to be anticipated as local terminals, suppliers and the railways work to alleviate the existing congestion. Will keep all parties advised of the situation on the West Coast of Canada as it relates to vessel operations.
Further details can be found on the CN Rail and Teamsters Union websites.