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Port of Vancouver EcoAction Program

The Port of Vancouver initially launched the EcoAction program in 2007. The goal of the program is to reduce ship emissions by providing discounts “on harbour dues to vessels meeting voluntary environmental best practices that reduce emissions, underwater noise and other environmental impacts.” In rewarding vessels that have equipment and technology on board that promotes beneficial environmental practices, the hope is that overtime vessels and vessel owners will continue to strive to reduce their environmental emissions.

Prior to arriving into Port, a vessel’s agent will obtain relevant supporting documentation directly from the vessel including: cleaner fuel category, energy efficiency design index certification, international energy efficiency certificate, environmental ship index, right ship index, clean shipping index, green marine index, shore power capabilities, vapor control recovery systems, underwater noise reduction systems or ship classification notations. Once the relevant documentation is received, the agent will submit the application on the vessel’s behalf to the Port of Vancouver through their online portal.

Once submitted, the application is reviewed by the Harbour Master’s office. If certain criteria are met (see below link for further information on relevant criteria), the vessel will be awarded either a gold, silver, or bronze rating. Each rating coincides with a discount on the vessel’s harbour dues (which are paid by the agent on behalf of the operator). For a gold rating there is a 47% discount, for silver a 35% discount, and bronze ratings receive a 23% discount. Harbour dues are calculated by the vessel’s gross registered tonnage multiplied by a base rate of $0.094. When applicable, the discount reduces the base rate of a given vessel. As you can imagine, for vessels that call Vancouver continuously, it can be quite advantageous for owners to invest in these emission reducing technologies.

For more information on the EcoAction program, please see this brochure from the Port of Vancouver.