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Neptune Bulk Terminal Upgrades

Neptune Bulk Terminals has been in the process of undergoing terminal upgrades and modifications specifically to berth #1. Their initial project permit, which was submitted to the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority in 2013 was modified in 2018 to include the following revisions: “redesign of the west quadrant shiploader and include a new upland pivot point and in-water quadrant rail, new berthing moorings and dolphins, and a stern vessel gangway. A total of 72 new in-water steel piles will be installed, rather than the 4 steel piles previously authorized.” Once completed, the upgrades will facilitate loading operations on larger cape-size vessels by reducing potential operational delays.

Regarding the enhanced ship-loader; proposed improvements include a new location which will be north-west of its current position. This location provides a ‘pivot-point’ which facilitates better access to the holds of larger vessel. The goal is to reduce the number of warping procedures alongside the berth and ultimately improve loading efficiency. The ship loader will be delivered to the terminal via barge completely assembled.

Additionally, the terminal will be constructing a new gangway platform, new dolphins and a new quadrant beam. These infrastructure improvements, which are well underway, will expedite the coal loading operations of all vessels calling berth #1 including larger cape-sized. If the project remains on schedule, work is expected to complete in February of 2021.

For further details, please visit the terminal’s construction updates page on their website.